load "curve.magma"; // The finite field is k = F_p, where p = 10^8 + 7 is the // first prime greater than 10^8. // FG, FG2 in the source file represent two sample elements // of the Jacobian, corresponding to divisors D and D2 // (more accurately, to the degree zero divisor classes // [D-3P_infty] and [D2-3P_infty] ). // FG; FG2; //The values of a,...,f and the inverse ainv=1/a for each //divisor. // FGaddition := makeAddition(FG,FG2); FGdoubling := makeDoubling(FG); FGaddition; FGdoubling; //Just to show the form of the output. // // //Now start the verification in terms of polynomials, //using the routines for ideals in polynomial rings //that are built in to Magma. Along the way, we verify //that various intermediate results are correct. F:=getF(FG); G:=getG(FG); F2:=getF(FG2); G2:=getG(FG2); Faddition:=getF(FGaddition); Gaddition:=getG(FGaddition); Fdoubling:=getF(FGdoubling); Gdoubling:=getG(FGdoubling); F,G; F2,G2; Faddition,Gaddition; Fdoubling,Gdoubling; I:=makeIdeal(FG); I2:=makeIdeal(FG2); //These are the ideals in the polynomial ring RR = k[x,y] //generated by {F,G} and {F2,G2} respectively. //Their images in the coordinate algebra RR/<ff> of the //affine open set C-{P_infty} are the elements vanishing //on the divisors D and D2, respectively. // IC := ideal<RR|ff>; //Thus the coordinate algebra is RR/IC, and all the ideals //that we consider should contain IC. // Iaddition:=makeIdeal(FGaddition); Idoubling:=makeIdeal(FGdoubling); Iinvaddition:=makeIdeal(makeInverse(FGaddition)); Iinvdoubling:=makeIdeal(makeInverse(FGdoubling)); //Make the ideals representing the sum and the double //in the Jacobian. Also make the ideals of their //inverses (this will be used for checking the result). //For convenience later, let us write Daddition and Ddoubling //for the degree three divisors representing the sum and //the doubling in the Jacobian, respectively. Thus // [Daddition-3P_infty] = [D-3P_infty] + [D2-3P_infty], // [Ddoubling-3P_infty] = 2[D-3P_infty]. //Similarly, we refer to the divisors Dinvaddition and //Dinvdoubling, for which // [Dinvaddition-3P_infty] = -[Daddition-3P_infty], // [Dinvdoubling-3P_infty] = -[Ddoubling-3P_infty]. // ff in I; ff in I2; Dimension(RR/I); Dimension(RR/I2); //check that the divisors D and D2 actually lie on the curve //and are of degree 3. ff in I*I2; ff in I*I; Dimension(RR/(I*I2)); Dimension(RR/(I*I)); //Here I*I2 represents D+D2, which lies on the curve even //when viewed as a dimension zero subscheme of the plane. //This is because D and D2 are disjoint, as expected for //typical divisors. //However, I*I represents 2D as a dimension zero //subscheme of the plane, and this is NOT on the curve. //The reason is that the "double points" of D, when viewed //on the plane, are "thicker" than the double points //when viewed on C itself, which only extend along the //tangent directions to C. (Double points in the plane //extend along all tangent directions, i.e. with two //"extra" dimensions of vanishing per double point.) // ItimesI2 := I*I2; ItimesI := I*I + IC; Dimension(RR/ItimesI); //The correct answer is that one should consider the //product (I/IC)*(I/IC) of ideals in the Dedekind //domain RR/IC. The pullback to RR is then //I*I + IC. On the other hand, I*I2 already contains IC. // MprimeFGplusFG2:=makeMprimeForAddition(FG,FG2); MprimeFGplusFG:=makeMprimeForDoubling(FG); MprimeFGplusFG2; v1v2addition:=kernelOfMprime(MprimeFGplusFG2); v1v2doubling:=kernelOfMprime(MprimeFGplusFG); v1v2addition; staddition:=makeCoefficientsOfst(FG,v1v2addition); stdoubling:=makeCoefficientsOfst(FG,v1v2doubling); staddition; //Make the pairs {s,t} in each case of addition //and of doubling. We have shown the intermediate //results for the case of addition. // saddition:=gets(staddition); taddition:=gett(staddition); saddition, taddition; saddition in ItimesI2; taddition in ItimesI2; ideal<RR|saddition,taddition,ff> eq ItimesI2; //Check that the polynomials s,t actually belong //to ItimesI2, and in fact that they generate ItimesI2 //when we work in the quotient RR/IC. // sdoubling:=gets(stdoubling); tdoubling:=gett(stdoubling); sdoubling, tdoubling; sdoubling in ItimesI; tdoubling in ItimesI; ideal<RR|sdoubling,tdoubling,ff> eq ItimesI; //Same for sdoubling and tdoubling with ItimesI. // // //Now we verify the correctness of our answers. (I*I2*Iinvaddition + IC) eq ideal<RR|saddition,ff>; //Check that the principal ideal in RR/IC generated //by saddition corresponds to the sum of divisors // D + D2 + Dinvaddition. //Thus the principal divisor of saddition on the //curve C is // (saddition) = D+D2+Dinvaddition - 9P_infty. // (I*I*Iinvdoubling + IC) eq ideal<RR|sdoubling,ff>; //Do the same for sdoubling. // //Also verify that Daddition and Dinvaddition //represent inverses of each other in the Jacobian. //Similarly for doubling. (Iaddition*Iinvaddition + IC) eq ideal<RR|Faddition,ff>; (Idoubling*Iinvdoubling + IC) eq ideal<RR|Fdoubling,ff>; //This is because the principal ideal in RR/IC generated //by Faddition corresponds to Daddition + Dinvaddition. //In terms of principal divisors on C, // (Faddition) = Daddition + Dinvaddition - 6P_infty.